10 Ways To Protect Your Home From Pests, Some Easy, Some Require A Ladder

Being home all day, people start to notice the bugs that come out when they’re at work. Here are 10 easy ways to protect your home from pests - eliminating the gross interruptions so you can feel at home again.

Trim Bushes and Shrubs

Trim all dense greenery from touching the side of your home, if possible. Greenery touching the home can help pests get in.

Seal Dog or Cat Food

Rats love dog and cat food. Keep yours sealed in a container and clean up any that may have fallen on the floor to avoid rodent issues.

Install Door Sweeps

Door sweeps help keep bugs out. Make sure yours are in good condition. If you don’t have them, they’re pretty easy to install.

Fix Leaky Outdoor Faucets

Leaky faucets can provide excellent conditions for termites to thrive. The small pools of water can also make for good mosquito breeding sites.

Tidy Up The Kitchen

Keeping a tidy kitchen is essential to protecting your home from pests. Leaving food crumbs out can attract ants and roaches.

Check Under The Playscape

Spiders and wasps can nest under playscape slides and walkways. Be sure to clear out webs and nests so your kids can play safely.

Are you struggling with pests?

Our pest control experts will make sure your home or business is clear of pests.

A ladder is required to perform the following tips. Please exercise caution and safe ladder practices while performing these. If you’re not comfortable on a ladder, please leave them to a professional.

Clear Gutters Of Debris

Gutters filled with leaves and other debris can collect water and provide shelter and breeding sites for mosquitoes.

Seal Roof Intersects

Over time, roof intersects can widen. It’s very common for rats and squirrels to get in (or chew) through gaps in the roof intersects.

Fix Loose or Broken Shingles

Rats, squirrels, and even raccoons will do whatever they can to get into an attic. Making sure your roof is in good shape will help prevent them.

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Locations We Provide Pest Control

Image of our pest control services in Austin, ,Texas.

Austin, Texas

We offer pest control service in Belton, Texas.

Belton, Texas

Houston, Texas pest control by The Bug Master

Houston, Texas

We offer pest control service in Temple, Texas.

Temple, Texas

We offer pest control service in Waco, Texas.

Waco, Texas

Including Surrounding Areas

Are you struggling with pests?

Our pest control experts will make sure your home or business is clear of pests.